We offer training for all working dogs. No working dog is too old, aggressive, or lazy to learn.

All breeds and skill levels welcome!!

Real-world obedience training

If you’re looking for training that implements real world distractions and scenarios you’re in the right place.

The K9 Encounter offers beginner, intermediate, and advanced obedience training. After each level is obtained in a group class or 1-on-1 setting we move to a real world scenario test.

After passing each test outing you and your working dog are moved to the next level.

With this type of program we are able to build a working dog with bulletproof obedience.

During all levels of training you and your working dog will learn the following:

  • Loose leash walking

  • Heel

  • Sit

  • Down

  • Stay

  • Recall

  • Leave it

Additional offerings:

  • Potty Training

  • Crate Training

  • Behavior Modification

  • Nutrition

  • Urban Agility

  • K9 First-Aid

  • Grooming

Basic Obedience

Every path must start somewhere. In our basic obedience course, we will cover the following: sits, downs, heeling, loose leash, stays, recalls, and environmental stability. All training will be on leash.

Intermediate Obedience

Building upon our basic obedience course, here we will focus on longer stays, adding distance to our sits and downs, out of sight commands, obedience on agility obstacles, incorporating distractions, and more advanced environmental work. This is also the start of off leash training.

Advanced Obedience

This is our most advanced level of obedience. Our primary objective is to have your working dog excelling in every environment. Long duration stays, advanced obedience in agility work, sophisticated distractions, and much more. Completely off leash training.